
NRF24L01: Check if It Works

 NRF24L01 is one of good methods to transmit and receive data. It can take far range up to 1.5KM using antena (PA-LNA). We have 5 pins connected: from Arduino board to NRF24L01: 2 pin for CE and CSN SCK pin Mosi pin Miso pin From the five, we must connect SCK pin to 13 pin of Arduino board, Mosi pin to 11 pin of Arduino and Miso to 12 pin of Arduino board. CE and CSN should connect to: CE/CSN : 3/2 CE/CSN : 4/3 CE/CSN : 10/9 or CE/CSN : 8/7 This picture below was taken from to make it easy for you as awesome illustration: NRF24L01 and with PA/LNA How to test NRF24L01 if it still works First, you need to follow the explanation above. Then write this codes below: Transmitter Code: #include <SPI.h> #include <nRF24L01.h> #include <RF24.h> RF24 radio(3, 2); // CE, CSN const byte address[6] = "00001"; void setup() {   Serial.begin(9600);   radio.begin();   radio.openWritingPipe(address);   radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_MIN);   radio.stop

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